Twenty-four solar terms二十四节气

Twenty-four solar terms二十四节气

The Twenty-Four Solar Terms are the crystallization of ancient agricultural civilization wisdom in China, serving as a guide for agricultural production and daily life. These terms divide the year into twenty-four equal periods based on the Earth's orbit around the sun and the movement of the sun's direct rays. Each solar term lasts approximately fifteen days, reflecting seasonal changes, temperature fluctuations, and phenological characteristics of nature.

Here are the names and brief descriptions of the Twenty-Four Solar Terms:

  1. Spring Begins (Lìchūn): The start of spring, with all things coming back to life.
  2. Rain Water (Yǔshuǐ): Increased rainfall nourishes the soil.
  3. Insects Awaken (Jīngzhé): Hibernating creatures awaken, and the first thunderclaps of spring are heard.
  4. Spring Equinox (Chūnfēn): Day and night are of equal length, with spring in full bloom.
  5. Pure Brightness (Qīngmíng): Clear weather, associated with tomb-sweeping and ancestor veneration.
  6. Grain Rain (Gǔyǔ): Rainwater nourishes grain crops as they grow.
  7. Summer Begins (Lìxià): The start of summer, with rising temperatures.
  8. Grain Buds (Xiǎomǎn): Grain seeds begin to swell with maturity.
  9. Grain in Ear (Mángzhòng): Wheat ripens, and rice varieties are sown.
  10. Summer Solstice (Xiàzhì): Longest day of the year, with the peak of yang energy.
  11. Slight Heat (Xiǎoshǔ): Initial signs of heat, with gradually warming weather.
  12. Great Heat (Dàshǔ): Hottest period of the year.
  13. Autumn Begins (Lìqiū): The start of autumn, with the retreat of summer heat.
  14. End of Heat (Chǔshǔ): End of hot weather, with cooler mornings and evenings.
  15. White Dew (Báilù): Morning dew forms white droplets on the ground, signaling the approach of frost.
  16. Autumn Equinox (Qiūfēn): Day and night are again of equal length, with autumn at its height.
  17. Cold Dew (Hánlù): Dew becomes colder, and the frost season draws near.
  18. Frost's Descent (Shuāngjiàng): Ground frost begins to appear.
  19. Winter Begins (Lìdōng): The start of winter, with falling temperatures.
  20. Slight Snow (Xiǎoxuě): Some regions experience light snowfall.
  21. Great Snow (Dàxuě): Increased snowfall, potentially resulting in deep accumulations.
  22. Winter Solstice (Dōngzhì): Shortest day of the year, with the peak of yin energy.
  23. Slight Cold (Xiǎohán): Entering deep winter, with initial signs of cold weather.
  24. Great Cold (Dàhán): Coldest period of the year.

The Twenty-Four Solar Terms not only hold significance for agricultural practices but also influence dietary habits, health preservation, and folk customs in China. They are an integral part of Chinese traditional culture and were inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2016.

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